
[19 - female]
artwork portfolio and contact



- do you do commissions?
yes! take a look at the commission links on the main page for more info
- what currencies do you charge in?
USD, EUR, GBP, etc, anything as long as you accomodate for exchange rates
- do you take requests?
yes! ..but only if i specifically say i am (please don't just ask for something out of nowhere).
though maybe you'll get lucky and catch me during a time where I'm bored and looking for something to do
- how long does a commission typically take?
i'm not certain on specifics. it really depends on what i'm doing.. smaller things can take 15-45 minutes, while more complex works could take anywhere from a few hours to a few days
- can i have something for free?
maybe. close friends of mine sometimes tend to get something from me every once in a while ;)
- can we be friends?
absolutely! please, feel free to follow/add me on any of my socials!!
- i'm an employer, are you for hire? (ie. contract/full-time work)
currently, yes! if you happen to have any kind of job offer, please feel free to contact me at any of my listed socials on the main page


i'm kjell [AKA; L33T, E-L33T, or L33T5P34KL053R]. i'm a silly internet artist in finland begging for money because i don't want to get a "real job"
my hobbies include art, vidya games, cooking, and on occasion I also like to writei'm also a huge fan of meeting new people and making friends, so feel free to shoot me a message on any of my accounts if you'd like to chat :D